Giving Getaway's

Feedback Section

Help us taking Giving Getaway to the next level by sharing your thoughts and ideas in the form below.

Help Giving Getaway develop its full potential!

Giving Getaway is a project with big ambitions which is still in the early stages of development. The main goals are:
  • building the world’s biggest travel database by collecting information and benefitting from the expertise of hundreds and thousands of travelers and locals from all around the world

  • using this knowledge to build a bridge between traveling and charity to contribute its part in making this world a better place in the long run.
Three basic requirements for achieving these goals are time, persistence and – the most important factor – feedback! Many of Giving Getaway’s features are the result of YOUR ideas, feedback that we received from engaging followers and supporters who shared their thoughts on how this concept can be improved.
As a logical consequence, we finally decided to implement a feedback section to encourage more people to communicate their ideas and suggestions to take this project to the next level! Please feel free to share the following (if desired, completely anonymous):
  • suggestions for improvements of the whole concept, the questionnaire, the website etc.
  • spelling- and grammar mistakes and content-related remarks
  • how do you feel about this project? Personal opinions of any kind and comments on how we are running this project are appreciated!

Feedback Section

If you would like us to get in touch with you, please add your Instagram name,
email adress or any other contact option

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